Sunday, January 25, 2009

Work on Sunday . . .

Sadness every Sunday I am not able to be with my new Hubby and go to church together, there is definatley a difference in the waves.
Anyhoo, I was just browsing the net ... and realized I should work on my blog cause I'm married and have things to say sometimes ya know? . . . But I dont have anything to say ... yep ... i'm that boring. I've been working on this blog and get it up and running to keep in contact with them far away relatives . . . *blink*blink* . . . but some of the stuff on here is confusing so I hope ya'lls can view it ight.
Well I'm about to leave and spend the rest of the day with my hubby, our schedule is pretty sad we dont get to see much of each other:

Monday - Wednesy = Hubby is gone before I get up and get ready for work (but he always kisses goodbye, even when he's late ... keehee). When I leave for work an hour and a half later he gets home.

I get off of work at 5pm and Hubby left to go back to work at 4pm and doesn't get home till around 9pm then it's bedtime 10:30-11pm

I'm off thursday & friday and he's off saturday & sunday and I work 9am-5pm saturday & sunday.
Being a new married couple I dont know how much of this schedule I can take but I'm toughing it out for a while till something better comes along or until I get Saturday & Sundays off, even Sundays only would be fine with me =)

Ok, i'm done venting ... not really but I'm about to go home in 5 minutes.



Lindsay Rosas said...

yes! an update :) I miss you guys! i am sorry you dont get to see each other very much :( that would be sooo hard! love you both

Olivia said...

alleluia and new post! i know what the solution to your problem is... get a new job, it's pretty simple actually. you're over qualified for that job and i don't think they appreciate you enough. you'll start reaping the blessings as soon you stop working Sundays.. it's true. i think it's just a big sister thing to automatically give advice or tell you what to do.

i wish you two saw more of each other, i kind of feel your pain. love you both.

Tammy said...

YAY! you blogged! I've been wanting to hear from you! Keep us posted!